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Shenzhen Hong Lixing Automation Equipment Accessories Co.,Ltd

Contact:Fang Manager 13528470748



Q Q:3109772519


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Fixed fence bracket body

0755-21637806  welcome for calling 点击这里给我发消息  According to the customer product type and requirements of the design custom, if you need more detailed mechanical parts / chain plate machine accessories / assembly line fence bracket / fence joints and other product information, solutions and quotes, please contact online customer service, we will You provide the best service.

The company's main accessories are: three-legged feet two feet half-bracket two-leg support tube top support frame side support frame small fixed fence bracket rotation guardrail bracket large fixed fence bracket fixed fence bracket foot plate side of the foot nut nuts nuts cross connector T word Fittings T-chucks Chucks Chucks Lightheads Fixed Heads Round Clamps Clamps Clamps Sleeve Double Clamps Double Clamps Single Clamps Top Plates Inclined Wire Fittings Overhead Plate Wheels Adjustable Handles Small Handle Handle Handle Handle Single row ball guardrail A single row ball guardrail B double row ball guardrail four row ball guardrail long ball fence bow type steel round hat guardrail flat top guardrail large C fence square single clip rail square clip small C fence parallel pad rail parallel joint double fixed joint Single fixed joint mats wear-resistant strip lining friction strip chain plate rails bent rails bent rails bent rails single row curved rails double row curved rails